Sons of Anarchy most commonly known as SOA is an American crime story series that consists of 7 seasons. It started back in 2008. In this popular TV series, the character of Dr. Tara Knowles is done by Maggie Stiff. Dr. Tara Knowles was seen wearing a brown colored cotton jacket that is lined with fine viscose material. The apparel manufacturer has provided a front zipper for proper closure. This simple looking piece of trendy attire called Dr. Tara Knowles Sons of Anarchy Jacket has full sleeves and button cuffs. Sons of Anarchy Dr. Tara Knowles Jacket has two zippered pockets at the chest and two at the waist. The apparel industry has been making the costumes without any compromise on the quality of the product and it offers them at pocket-friendly rates.
Celebrity Inspired trendy jackets, Clearance Sale, TV Drama, Women
Dr. Tara Knowles Sons of Anarchy Jacket
Original price was: €199.99.€79.99Current price is: €79.99.
+ Free Shipping- Fabric Cotton
- Collar Rounded
- Internal Viscose
- Closure Front Zipper
- Full Sleeves Button Cuffs
- Pockets Zipper Front and Waist
Size ChartsSize Chart
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